The Adult Education program provides area adults with the educational opportunities needed to be successful workers, parents, and community members. We offer high-quality services at an affordable cost to a diverse adult population.

Earn Your GED at Eastern Shore Community College
If you didn’t finish high school and you believe that is holding you back with your career and financial goals, you can earn your GED right here on the Shore!
We offer a program designed for adults who want to earn a GED and who may need to juggle this while working.
Did you know that GED graduates include:
- Actor Christian Slater
- Actress Angelina Jolie
- Former Delaware Governor Ruth Ann Minner
- U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado
Go to to create an account and learn more about the test.
Learn to Speak English As a Second Language
The English Language Learning (ELL) Program provides English language instruction to non-native English speakers and assists learners in being able to navigate within American society through both language instruction and cultural awareness.
The low-cost program offers convenient day and evening classes that focus on speaking and listening; reading and writing are also addressed. Tuition is $40.00; scholarships are available.
To find the location and time of classes to fit your schedule, please call 757.789.1794.
Who does Adult Education serve?
The Adult Education program, in cooperation with the Accomack and Northampton County School Divisions, serves adults, age 18 and older, who wish to improve their basic academic skills such as reading, writing, and math.
The program prepares adults for the GED test, for entrance to Eastern Shore Community College, to other institutions of higher education training, and/or to improve their English.
What classes are offered?
The following classes are offered:
- Adult Basic Education
- GED Preparation
- English Language Learning
- Family Literacy
What is the cost?
Classes cost $40 per class. Books and calculators are included. You must pay fees in person before the first class meeting. Exact cash, check or money orders are accepted.
The Department of Social Services, the Department of Rehabilitative Services, some private employers, and the Virginia Employment Commission may be able to pay fees if you receive services from them.
Scholarships based upon need are also available. For further information, contact Amy Shockley at 757.789.1793.
Where can I get a class schedule?
You can phone 757.789.1794 for current information. If you prefer, come to the ESCC campus and visit Sabine Lovett in the Adult Education wing.
Current Adult Education Schedule Spring 2022
Where are the classes held?
Classes are held on campus at ESCC and numerous sites in the counties of Accomack and Northampton. You choose the most convenient location.
Where do I register?
You will register at ESCC on campus or at the class site you are planning to attend. All new students need to be assessed when they begin class. The instructor will welcome you to class and will get you started.
Heather Marsh
Program Coordinator
Sabine Lovett
Data/Financial Specialist