Cultural events, cookouts, clubs, community and college service projects, performances, trips abroad and lectures are examples of extracurricular activities planned and coordinated by the student activities department. Events such as these are designed to enrich and enhance the students’ academic experiences.

All Christians Together in Service (ACTS) – Sponsor: Dr. Julie Nash
The All Christians Together in Service (ACTS) organization is a non-denominational, Christian-based organization. The ACTS statement of faith is as follows: To support the body of believers at the Eastern Shore Community College and to further the cause of Christ by performing outreach on campus as well as throughout the Eastern Shore community. Contact
Visual Arts Club – Sponsor: Dr. Julie Nash
To promote student art whether it be photography, painting, sculpting etc. Research shows that artistic expression is therapeutic for the support of good mental health. The purpose of this club is to encourage students to engage in the arts whether in self expression or just the appreciation of art. Contact
The Psychology Club – Sponsor: Dr. Julie Nash
Involving students in the practice of “positive psychology”. Positive psychology is the most recent discipline in the field of psychology. Positive psychology as a discipline focuses on success in life. The idea is to focus research on what is good and right, what works in life, essentially what makes life good. The purpose of this club is to practice community enhancement and student experiences to enhance mental health. It is the club’s goal to take a trip once a year to encourage positive mental health and to appreciate what is good in this beautiful world we live in. Contact

The Arts Club – Sponsor: Emily Moore
The ESCC Arts Club consists of students and other members of the college community who meet to share their writings and discuss ways to improve them. The group meets twice a month at the college and may also attend local writing conferences and events. Contact
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) – Sponsor: Christina Duffman
Phi Theta Kappa is a national honor society for two-year colleges, which recognizes scholarship among associate degree students. In addition, it provides opportunities for leadership, service and fellowship. To become a member, a student must, be enrolled in a regionally accredited institution offering an associate degree program, have accumulated full-time status (at least 12 hours) in courses leading to an associate degree, have established a grade point average of 3.20, and be of good moral character and possess recognized qualities of citizenship. Contact
The Chess Club – Sponsor: Christina Duffman
The Chess Club is meant to provide sportiveness and friendly competition among ESCC students, faculty members, and members of the overall community. Each member shall be dedicated to the idea behind the organization: to extend altruism to the community and be welcoming to anyone wishing to join. The purpose of its meetings is to share in the art of playing chess, a strategic game that promotes critical thinking. Contact

We the Community – Sponsor: Chevelle Mason
This organization is committed to assisting the community at large. The organization accomplishes its mission by providing friendship, fellowship, and service opportunities. Contact
Student Government Association (SGA) – Sponsor: Dr. Julie Nash
The Student Government Association (SGA) is the official representative of the student body. All credit students may participate in SGA elections. Full-time and part-time students with grade point averages of 2.50 or higher are eligible to run for office (up to two part-time students may serve). The SGA organizes most of the student activities at the College, recommends student representation on major College committees, and consults with College officials on matters of concern to the student body. Contact