What is an internship?
Internships are academic workplace experiences with professional guidance that help prepare students for a career in their chosen field. Through internships, students explore their career interests and apply their classroom learning to the real world. Students learn important workplace skills during internships and make professional contacts that can help them find work after graduation. Depending on the academic program and the internship host, internships can be for college credit, no credit, paid, or unpaid. Internships are usually part-time and last for a semester. At ESCC, internships are tailored to the needs of students and the organizations that host internships.
What internships are available through ESCC?
Internships are available each year through several ESCC programs, including Business, Information Technology, and Electronics Technology. The Business program has placed student interns at Eastern Shore businesses, government agencies, and community organizations. The ESCC STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) Internship program has placed electronics technology and information technology interns at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility. Other internships will be available as employers offer to host them.
How do I apply for an internship?
Students must apply for internships and are usually required to submit an application, cover letter, and resume. Applying for an internship is competitive, like applying for a job. The internship host will accept applications, interview several candidates, and select the best candidate. Internship opportunities will be announced as they become available, so be sure to check your ESCC e-mail frequently for announcements.
Who can help me apply for an internship?
ESCC can help you prepare your application, and you can do a practice interview with faculty and staff to prepare you for the real thing.
For more information on internships, and assistance with preparing internship applications, please contact Linda Baines.