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June 2024

  • 06/06/2024

    Perdue Provides ESL Program Support

    The ESCC Foundation and the Eastern Shore Community College English as a Second Language (ESL) program has received considerable support from community partners Perdue Farms, specifically the Franklin P. and Arthur W. Perdue Foundation.  This latest funding bolsters the college’s ability to serve summer learners, providing them with much needed critical skills. The funding allows for …

  • 06/06/2024

    ESCC Faculty Honored at Commencement

    At Your Eastern Shore Community College, each spring a committee of faculty and staff receives nominations for faculty and staff recognition and rewards.  At the recent 2024 Spring Commencement, ESCC staff and faculty honors were announced by academic vice-president Dr. Joey Walter. Recognition for Teaching Effectiveness is given to a faculty member whose performance in the …

  • 06/06/2024

    ESCC NCCER Class Donates Doghouse

    Eastern Shore Community College offers a NCCER Core Construction class, which is an Introduction to Construction class developed by the National Center for Construction Education and Research. For the spring 2024 semester, students decided to build dog houses as one of their major projects.  The class is co-taught by Julius Newsome and Cindy Stevens. As …

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