ESCC Faculty Honored at Commencement
At Your Eastern Shore Community College, each spring a committee of faculty and staff receives nominations for faculty and staff recognition and rewards. At the recent 2024 Spring Commencement, ESCC staff and faculty honors were announced by academic vice-president Dr. Joey Walter.
Recognition for Teaching Effectiveness is given to a faculty member whose performance in the classroom or other instructional environments best exemplifies effectiveness in promoting student achievement. This year’s Teaching Effectiveness Award was presented to Bob Rhea, Alex Foxworthy, and Zhen Li.
The Faculty Scholarly and Creative Engagement Award is awarded to a faculty member who has achieved a significant academic scholarly accomplishment through research, publishing and/or professional presentations, grant activity, or creative works. The 2024 Faculty Scholarly and Creative Engagement Award was presented to Stephanie Zodun and Dr. Emily Moore.
The Caramine Kellam and Dr. Caramine White Award is for an ESCC faculty or staff member who has shown extraordinary concern for students and has gone above and beyond in their effort to help students succeed in school or life. This year’s recipient was Kentrelle Walker, ESCC Success Coach.
The highest ESCC award for which a faculty member may be nominated is the Faculty Reward for Institutional Responsibility. These faculty members substantially and demonstrably exceeded performance expectations and have impact across disciplines and curriculum. This honor was given to both Christina Duffman and Dr. Emily Moore.