Virginia’s Community Colleges investment expands training opportunities for job seekers
(RICHMOND) – July 25, 2019 – Virginia’s Community Colleges are making additional investments in their successful FastForward Virginia workforce training programs to help more Virginians earn workforce credentials for new careers and better provide for themselves and their family.
The Virginia Community College System (VCCS) has directed $2.75 million in FastForward Workforce Training Grants to community colleges around the commonwealth to develop new and expand existing high-demand training programs.
“These grants reaffirm our commitment to helping Virginians start, or re-start their careers” said Glenn DuBois, chancellor of Virginia’s Community Colleges. “More than 16,000 postsecondary credentials have been awarded since FastForward launched three years ago and Virginia’s workforce is stronger because of it. Our graduates typically boost their take home pay by 25-50%, in a matter of weeks not years. We want to make sure every Virginian knows about this life-changing opportunity.”
“This capacity building will touch every region of Virginia and help build a skilled workforce for years to come,” said Sharon Morrissey, VCCS senior vice chancellor for academic and workforce programs. “This investment allows our colleges to increase their capacity for providing FastForward training through instructor salaries, materials and supplies, curriculum development and much more.”
Training opportunities the grants will provide Eastern Shore Community College will include a medical scribe credential program, helping train new medical professionals to address a need of local employers. A Level 2 continuation of the Electrician Program is also possible.
Information about FastForward Virginia is available at https://www.fastforwardva.org/. You can also contact Barb Rang at Eastern Shore Community College at 757-789-1745.