VCCS Reaches Out To Former ITT Tech Students
Category: Alumni09/08/2016
RICHMOND — Glenn DuBois, chancellor of Virginia’s Community Colleges, released the following statement this week to the former Virginia students of ITT Tech:
“The announced closing of ITT Tech affects an estimated 2,500 students in Virginia. For them, this can be an especially emotional and confusing time. What it should not be, however, is a reason to stop pursuing a postsecondary credential.
“I want former ITT Tech students to know that you are neither abandoned nor alone and that we stand ready to help you continue and complete the educational aspirations you sought at ITT Tech.
“Virginia’s Community Colleges offer hundreds of industry-certified credentials available through our short-term training programs. In addition, we offer pathways to traditional associate degrees and even bachelor’s degrees through our guaranteed transfer agreements with more than three-dozen public and private universities.
Eastern Shore Community College welcomes the opportunity to assist any former ITT Tech students. Please contact us at 757-789-1789 to find out more about our programs and offerings. Visit us online at es.vccs.edu.