3/31 Message to Students
An Update from Dr. Patrick Tompkins
Dear Your Eastern Shore Students,
YES! ESCC continues to be here for you. Please reach out to your instructors, advisors, and student services for assistance with your classes, advising, enrollment services, and financial aid; you can find contact information for our offices here: https://es.vccs.edu/contact/.
We will hold two town hall meetings tomorrow, Wednesday, April 1 at 2:00 p.m. and at 6:00 p.m. to share information about the emergency grading system as well as other information related to ESCC’s response to the pandemic. You should only attend one of the meetings.
You may join by computer or by phone. Directions on how to access these meetings will be sent tomorrow morning along with additional important documents. The meetings will be recorded for those who cannot attend either session.
The Virginia Community College System has developed an emergency grading policy so that students receive maximum protection for their grades during this extraordinary time.
We will publish details on this system in an email from healthsafety@es.vccs.edu on Wednesday April 1, and we will discuss it at virtual town halls at 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday April 1. You should only attend one of the meetings.
We would like to offer students a resource document created by The Hope Center, a national college student support organization. It provides information on everything from unemployment insurance to taxes to health. Download or view the PDF version here.
Below is information about a volunteer opportunity that may interest you.
Shore Delivery Corps could use your help. Shore Delivery Corps is a community effort on Virginia’s Eastern Shore to assist our fellow citizens who are the highest risk for serious complications that may otherwise result if they were to contract COVID 19. Practically our mission will be to keep the highest risk citizens at home and out of public places by having the Shore Delivery Corps deliver their needed supplies and groceries to their doorstep in as close to a virus free manner as possible. This is a mission that is prompted by the immediate need that we have as a result of the COVID–19 pandemic.
Volunteers should be 18 and above, have a good driving record, and at low-risk for Covid-19.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Connie Owens:
easternshoredistrict@vaumc.org; 757-665-6295; 757-710-8258.
ESCC is not affiliated with Shore Delivery Corps and does not make any representation about Shore Delivery Corps’ charitable status or safety of operations.
Your Eastern Shore Community College’s brand of YES! is a culture of hospitality that emphasizes the college belongs to the Shore and the Shore belongs to all of us. We urge you to take care of yourselves and take care of each other.