Taylor Bank Shows Support of ESCC 50th
Representatives Present Check and Enjoy Tour
Eastern Shore Community College proudly welcomes Taylor Bank as Lead Sponsor of its 50th Anniversary. The college has several events planned in 2021-2022 to acknowledge the 50 years of ESCC’s service to the Eastern Shore community, beginning with a Homecoming celebration and ribbon cutting on October 22.
Representatives of Taylor Bank recently visited Eastern Shore Community College and presented President Jim Shaeffer with a check for $20,000. Taylor Bank President and CEO, Ray Thompson, was joined by Taylor Bank Vice President Adam James and Taylor Bank Board Member John Custis. Welcoming the group was ESCC Foundation Executive Director Patty Kellam and Foundation Board member David Landsberger, along with President Shaeffer and Vice President Patrick Tompkins.
Mr. Thompson explains, “Taylor Bank is delighted to be part of the Eastern Shore of Virginia business community, and proud to support the Eastern Shore Community College in its fundraising for this important milestone. For five decades, ESCC has provided education, training, and programs for thousands of residents and businesses located on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and has positioned itself as a valuable community resource. We look forward to partnering with the Eastern Shore Community College in financial literacy programs and other needs as they may arise in the years ahead.”
Following the check presentation, the group toured the new ESCC Academic Building which opened in January 2020. Drs. Shaeffer and Tompkins detailed the many educational resources and shared a number of student success stories and examples of perseverance through the pandemic. Many of the great accomplishments of our local learners are aided by ESCC Foundation’s work with student support. Community partnerships such as that with Taylor Bank are the backbone of the college’s ability to ensure that students can clear the many hurdles that stand between them and completing their goals.
Taylor Bank’s generosity gives cause to celebrate both the local support for students and a rich history of Eastern Shore Community College’s role in the fabric of education and job training on the Shore. The 50th Anniversary will provide the perfect occasion to do both.
ESCC’s October 22 Homecoming will include a ribbon cutting, tours of the new building, special recognition for alumni, food, giveaways and more. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Patty Kellam at 757-789-1749.