Student Forum Announced
A Virtual Chat with ESCC President and VP
ESCC President Jim Shaeffer and VP Patrick Tompkins are inviting Eastern Shore Community College students back for another informal discussion about how the college is doing, and what it can do better.
The virtual student forum will be held on Zoom or dial-in on Wednesday, February 24, beginning at 6:00p.m. The one hour conversation welcomes all students to share their thoughts on classes, the semester in general, and input on areas where ESCC could improve. Plenty of time will be set aside to answer questions.
All students are encouraged to participate and one lucky participant will win a $50 Amazon Gift Card! See connection info provided below.

Join Zoom Meeting
Phone access
+1 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 891 3700 5988
Passcode: 270103