State Board for Community Colleges to Consider 2020-21 Fees at May Meeting
In accordance with Section 23.1-307 (D) of the Code of Virginia, the State Board for Community Colleges provides notice that it will consider tuition and mandatory fee increases for Virginia’s Community Colleges, effective fall 2020, at 9 a.m. on May 21, 2020, via a virtual meeting. The address for that meeting will be posted on the Commonwealth Calendar no later than 5pm on May 13, 2020.
The State Board will consider mandatory fee increases of between 0 percent and 2.2 percent for all undergraduate students, subject to provisions of the 2020 session of the General Assembly. The community colleges will use revenue generated from any increases in mandatory fees to pay for contractual obligations, debt service, and proposed adjustments to student fees.
Public comment will be received at the meeting following approval of minutes of the preceding meeting and prior to committee reports. The public comment session will be available by via a virtual meeting, the location of which will be posted to the Commonwealth Calendar.
Individuals who wish to speak to the Board must notify, or provide written comment, to the Office of the Chancellor at least 5 working days prior to the scheduled meeting by emailing rmowen@vccs.edu.
All remarks before the State Board for Community Colleges must be matters germane and relevant to the agenda of the day.