State Accolades for ESCC Nursing Programs
Category: Academics11/15/2016
The Eastern Shore Community College Practical Nursing and Long Term Care Programs received full approval and accolades from the Virginia State Board of Nursing during a recent visit. Both programs were assessed to be in full compliance with all Board of Nursing regulations. The PN program will be up for another review in 5 years and the LTC program in 2 years.
Reviewers have also requested to share forms and documents developed by ESCC Nursing Faculty, with other programs around the state, in an effort to demonstrate best practices in documentation of curriculum and student clinical hours.
The quality of instruction in these programs is evidenced by the NCLEX-PN pass rates of recent PN graduates. The graduating class of 2016 has a 100% pass rate with only one student who has not yet tested.
Linda Pruitt, RN, MS, and Program Director, would like to thank her faculty and adjuncts for the exceptional quality of work consistently displayed. Appreciation is also extended to the community health care agencies that allow the program to bring students into their facilities for clinical training. The success of these programs rely on a team effort by the faculty and collaboration with numerous community health care agencies.