Site Preparation for New Building In Full Swing at ESCC
In the few weeks since ESCC’s Groundbreaking ceremonies, the campus in Melfa has been a flurry of activity as site preparation has begun for the new Academic and Administration building. The project contractor, McKenzie Construction Corporation of Virginia Beach, is busy establishing the work area on campus, as local contractor Branscome Incorporated is handling the site preparation.
The completion of a new rear access road, and removal of the old west parking lot, has made way for the arrival of massive amounts of new material in preparing the pad for the new building project.
With the elimination of rear parking areas, visitors to the college are reminded of adjusted parking patterns. Currently parking is relegated to the east and south sides of the Workforce Development Services Building, and the lots between WDS and the existing main building. In coming weeks, as weather permits, supplemental temporary parking with lighting, will be completed on the front lawn of the main building.
Visitors to ESCC are asked to exercise caution on campus with increasing construction traffic, and to show patience and consideration for others when parking. Everyone’s patience is greatly appreciated as Eastern Shore Community College enters a brand new era with this exciting updated facility. The progress of the project can be seen on our social media pages at Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and also with updates at es.vccs.edu.
Questions may be directed to Eve Belote at 757-789-1767.