Regional Job Fair Draws Over 200
Category: Community, Students05/06/2016
Eastern Shore Community College enjoyed another successful collaboration with the E.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Chincoteague and Northampton County Chambers, with this spring’s Regional Job Fair on April 13. Held at the college’s Workforce Development Services Building, the event attracted 39 businesses and 226 job seekers. The employers all had open positions in a wide range of jobs, and businesses represented spanned a broad range from restaurants, campgrounds, and health care agencies to Surface Combat Systems and the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.)
Beyond offering the unique ability to access potential employers all in one location, the event was extremely valuable as a networking tool for businesses and job seekers alike. Feedback indicated a high level of satisfaction with the caliber of job candidates in attendance, and the amount of engaged, professional interest received for available positions.
The fair benefits from the partnership of the 3 chambers, and their valuable connection to the Shore’s business community, combined with ESCC’s commitment to workforce development and elevating the skilled workforce of both counties.
The event organizers continue to receive reports on success stories. One job was secured the very day of the event with many others coming to fruition in the days that followed. Participating businesses are reporting successful follow-ups and interviews resulting from the fair and continue to act on potential hires that were initiated on April 13th.
Serving on this year’s E. Shore Regional Job Fair Committee or assisting that day were: Joe Betit, Ina Birch, Debbie Daniels, Elizabeth Dodd (Northampton County Chamber), Jean Hungiville (E. Shore Chamber), Bill LeCato, Kimberlee Ormsby, Evelyn Shotwell (Chincoteague Chamber), Arventa Smith (Virginia Employment Commission), Sandy Williams, and Mickie Spangler, committee chair. The committee will be holding up a wrap up meeting in May to evaluate the feedback and make initial plans for the next year’s event.
Job seekers and employers converge at the 2016 Regional Job Fair on Wednesday April 13th. (photos by Charles Killmon)