Phi Theta Kappa Inducts New Members
Category: Students11/09/2016
The Eastern Shore Community College Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa held their 2016 fall induction ceremony on Thursday, November 3. Faculty Advisor Robin Rich-Coates oversaw the program that also featured History Professor Barry Neville and ESCC President, Dr. Linda Thomas-Glover. Chapter President Nicole Reyes, and Co-Advisor Joshua Taylor acted as ceremony officials.
New members inducted were: Kayla Aeppli, Celeste Briones, Mary Custis, William Davis, Miketia Edmond, Gary Eskridge, Brandon Gray, Amy Harrison, Jorge Morales, Constance Morris, Kalia Robair, Crystal Roughton, Carlos Segundo, Giovanni Wynn, and Jessica Zavela. A reception followed the induction, which was attended by family members, faculty, and students.