Now Is The Time To Make Financial Aid Applications A Priority.
Category: Students10/15/2018
It’s time to think about Financial Aid for Fall 2019 and ESCC can help. To apply for federal and state student aid, you need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form. Completing and submitting the FAFSA form is free and easier than ever, and it gives you access to the largest source of financial aid to pay for college. You can do this with a link from the financial aid tab at www.es.vccs.edu, or directly at www.fafsa.ed.gov.
Your FAFSA information will help determine your eligibility for state and school aid. If you don’t fill out the FAFSA form, you could be missing out on a lot of financial aid! We’ve heard a number of reasons students think they shouldn’t complete the FAFSA form. Here are a few:
“I (or my parents) make too much money, so I won’t qualify for aid.”
“Only students with good grades get financial aid.”
“The FAFSA form is too hard to fill out.”
Don’t let any of these excuses keep you from filling out the FAFSA.
Aid is awarded on a first come first serve basis, so please don’t delay ! Our financial aid coordinator at ESCC is Carole Read and starting October 1st, she’s designating Mondays and Tuesday just to help you ! You can come to Student Services at ESCC and get Carole’s help from 8:00AM – 6:00PM.
Whether for spring or fall 2019 classes, now is the best time to get started. We also urge you to stay tuned for details on FAFSA events and workshops that will be held in our local high schools as well ! Don’t wait. The sooner you start, the more we can help.