How ESCC Can Save You Thousands On A Bachelor’s Degree
Category: College04/13/2018
Student debt has reached crisis levels in this country. The typical bachelor’s degree graduate in Virginia leaves college nearly $30,000 in debt. That burden is forcing people to wait longer to get married, buy a home, and even retire. So why would anyone take on more debt than necessary?
Eastern Shore Community College is promoting “Community College Awareness” during the month of April, and an important message to relay is that community colleges offer huge savings. Here are five major ways a bachelor’s degree can cost you much less than expected when you start at ESCC.
- Know what you really want to do: There’s nothing wrong with changing majors while in college. Lots of people do it. But it means you’re going to pay for classes that you won’t serve you in the long run. Take the free assessment tests on the Virginia Education Wizard online. They can help you decide on a college and career path before ever spending the first tuition dollar.
- Try to start college while you’re still in high school: Sign up for Dual Enrollment classes which allow you to take college-level classes while still in high school. Ask your school counselor or Career Coach about it. Use these credits to jump-start your pursuit of an associate degree at a community college.
- Earn your associate degree first: Thanks to an amazing collection of Guaranteed Transfer Agreements, you can earn an associate degree at a community college first, which guarantees placement as a junior at one of more than 30 Virginia universities. Community college tuition and fees are only about one-third of what you’ll pay at a public university.
- Get free money from the state to attend a university: Virginia’s Two-Year College Transfer Grant Program will give you up to $3,000 a year, for two years, at a university to finish your bachelor’s degree. That’s FREE money! But, you have to graduate from a community college first.
- Always take 15 credits every semester: No matter where you go to college, go full-time, which means 15 credit hours every semester. Time is money.
If you follow all five of these steps, you will save at least $52,000 on the cost of that shiny new bachelor’s degree. That’s about one-and-a-half times the average student debt load of a graduate in Virginia, and one more way to show that you’re smarter already.
In addition to the aforementioned cost savings, you need to factor in the positives of a diverse student body, a welcoming environment, small classes, and a strong support system, all making your community college an extremely smart path for your education goals.
ESCC has started registration for existing students for 2018 Summer and Fall classes. A priority enrollment day is planned for Saturday, April 14th from 8:00A.M. until 12:00P.M.for all students wishing to register. Extra help will be available for advising, placement testing, and assisting with financial aid. Summer classes start on Monday, May 21 with Fall classes beginning on August 20th. Contact ESCC at 757-789-1720 or stop by the campus on Lankford Highway in Melfa.