Health and Safety Message
Fall Semester Update
Important Information about ESCC Health Safety
As we start the fall semester we are communicating important information health safety information to students and employees. We take the safety of faculty, staff, students and visitors seriously and try to operate in a safe and effective manner that follows regulations of the Commonwealth and guidance from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Virginia Department of Health (VDH).
Eastern Shore Community College requires all persons to wear masks while inside the buildings on campus. Masks are required regardless of an individual’s vaccination status. We want to emphasize the need of compassion towards others and masks worn properly will help prevent the spread of any virus. The mask must fully and tightly cover both the nose and mouth. Students are expected to bring their own masks, but if needed can request a mask from campus security or the welcome center desk.
Governor Northam has mandated that all employees be vaccinated or be tested weekly for COVID 19 infection. Because of ESCC’s commitment to the care and safety of our students and employees, ESCC urges all students who can be vaccinated to be vaccinated as soon as possible. While even those who are vaccinated can become infected with COVID, the data at this point shows that their symptoms are less severe than those who aren’t vaccinated. Please take care of yourself.
Daily Assessments:
We ask and encourage each student to assess themselves daily for symptoms of COVID or any infectious disease. – If you feel sick don’t come on campus and contact your instructor.
Students and employees are required to report COVID-19 infections and both primary and secondary exposures to their instructor and David Branch, ESCC COVID contact person. You can reach David at office #757-789-1759 or by email, dbranch@es.vccs.edu. Below is a chart to help give guidance and explanation of a Positive Case, a Primary Exposure, and Secondary Exposure. This chart has been added as an attachment for your use as well.
Please continue to use hand sanitizer and/or to wash your hands for 20 seconds often. If you have to sneeze, cough, etc., please do so into your arm. Sanitizing dispensers are placed throughout the building.