Fall Class Delivery Details
Delivery Plans Available For Each Fall Class
ESCC has developed a plan for the delivery of instruction for every fall class. Here are the main points:
- The plan for each class is published in the notes section of the class information in MYESCC and here on the Fall Class Schedule.
- ESCC will try to accommodate each student’s unique circumstances. Please contact the course instructor or advisor Sheryl Williamson (swilliamson@es.vccs.edu) for assistance.
- ESCC will return to remote instruction if necessary due to the spread of COVID-19.
- The plan for each class will be one of the six delivery methods below.
All On-campus With Zoom Option
All class meetings will be held on-campus. Students who cannot attend on campus due to health reasons, may participate through Zoom.
All On-campus With No Zoom Option (e.g. WEL)
This class meets on campus class. Students must attend all class sessions in the welding lab.
Hybrid (sometimes on-campus) With Zoom Option (e.g. a class where in-person delivery is beneficial, but not essential)
This class will be delivered through a mixture of on-campus instruction and remote instruction. Students who cannot attend on campus due to health reasons, may participate through Zoom.
Hybrid (sometimes on-campus) With No Zoom Option (e.g. a class where in-person delvier is essential because of access to equipment)
This class will be delivered through a mixture of on-campus instruction and remote instruction. Students must come to campus for the scheduled sessions.
Zoom online
This class meets online during the scheduled days and times using Zoom conferencing software. Students must have access to a computer and the internet.
Anytime Online
This course is delivered online without any required Zoom meetings, but students will have firm deadlines for tests and assignments. Students will have live access to an instructor each week for office hours through Zoom, phone, chat, or email. Students must have access to a computer and the internet.