ESCC Faculty Recognized
Awards Announced at Commencement on May 11
Faculty Award recipients were announced on Wednesday, May 11, as part of the 51st Annual Commencement of Eastern Shore Community College, on campus in Melfa, VA. Vice President of Academic, Student, and Workforce Education, Dr. Patrick Tompkins, shared the names with the commencement audience.
Recognition nominations were accepted from students, employees, and community members and the award nominations were accepted from students or employees. The Recognition and Rewards Committee is comprised of faculty members with a representative from staff as well.
Congratulations to the honorees:
• Recognition for Teaching Effectiveness
o Peggy Bennett (Assistant Professor, Practical Nursing, Nurse Aide, and Medical Assisting)
o Christina Duffman (Instructor of English)
o Alex Foxworthy (Assistant Professor, Biology)
o Bill McCarter (Assistant Professor, English and Developmental English)
o Bonnie Nordstrom (Associate Professor, Practical Nursing, Nurse Aide, and Medical Assisting)
o Paul Weitzel (Associate Professor, Business and Accounting; Chair, Business and Information Technology)
• Recognition for Community Impact
o Stephanie Zodun (Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education)
• Recognition for Leadership
o Peggy Bennett (Assistant Professor, Practical Nursing, Nurse Aide, and Medical Assisting)
o Christina Duffman (Instructor of English)
o Emily Moore (Assistant Professor, English; Chair, Liberal Arts and Humanities Department)
Faculty Award for Professional Excellence (The highest honor for faculty)
o Dr. Julie Nash (Professor, Psychology; Chair, Social and Natural Sciences Department)