ESCC Teams with NASA Wallops for Career Exploration Event
Virtual Opportunity to Learn About NASA Careers at Wallops Flight Facility!
We’re excited to share an opportunity from our community partners at NASA Wallops Flight Facility that will answer the frequent question, “what kind of careers are possible for Eastern Shore students at NASA/Wallops?”
The answer to that question will come from NASA experts themselves. Even some ESCC alumni who are now in various positions at WFF will speak directly to how students can take advantage of internships and opportunities that have been forged by the ESCC/Wallops partnership.
Our Virtual Student Forum with NASA is appropriately titled “You Don’t Have to Be a Rocket Scientist work at NASA”! This title points to the fact that there are many avenues to be explored within the careers available at NASA Wallops. You may be surprised and encouraged at the variety and range of areas where students can pursue rewarding careers! This event will be on February 9, 2021 from 6 pm to 7:30 pm.
COVID has presented the challenge of being able to bring students to Wallops, so this event will turn the tables and bring NASA to the students. This online forum will be conducted on Zoom and will enable all of the participants to explore the possibilities of this incredible Eastern Shore resource that has such a “far-reaching” impact on the world of space flight and technology!
We are inviting high school and Eastern Shore Community College students and we also would love to have parents and others attend who might simply be interested in what job opportunities are available at NASA Wallops.
Please consider being a part of the rich, growing history between ESCC and Wallops, by attending and participating in this online forum. The information provided may well start opening doors to local students who can begin plans to launch their own mission to career success, right here on the Shore….or beyond! |
Join the meeting link |
https://nasaenterprise.webex.com/nasaenterprise/j.php?MTID=m8632635c48581f66715f1f1c2484b070 |
Join by meeting number |
Meeting number (access code): 199 350 1584 |
Meeting password: Students@WFF21 |
Join by phone +1-929-251-9612 +1-415-527-5035 |