ESCC Students Participate in MARS Internship Closing Ceremony
Category: Academics08/23/2018
Eastern Shore Community College students Jacob Cain, Maria Cux Saquic, and Trevor Filipic, all participated in the 2018 Summer Internship Program with Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport and Virginia Space. The Closing Ceremony was held on Thursday, August 9th at MARS located on Wallops Island.
Capstone Project presentations were given by each participant at the Wallops facility. In addition to the three ESCC students, interns from University of Maryland, Virginia Tech, Virginia Commonwealth University, and University of Delaware also presented. Presentations were followed by lunch and a bus tour of Wallops Island.
Virginia Space has been a strong contributor to Virginia STEM education on the Eastern Shore. Contributing to building regional talent within the aerospace community through the summer internship program and efforts to support the growth and development of future employees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Eastern Shore Community College has had students represented in the program each year since 2014, many resulting in full-time positions and roles at MARS and related entities. Virginia Space and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS) CEO and Executive Director Dale Nash referred to ESCC as an “outstanding partner”. With the growth of commercial space flight and exploration of new opportunities in the aerospace industry, the future appears very exciting for upcoming students