Registration for Saturday’s Science Fair Extended. Entry Form and Details Are Here.
Category: Community03/23/2019
ESCC’s annual Science Fair will be held from 8:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 27, 2019. This year’s fair will be in the Workforce Development Services Building (on the right entering the campus) and it will emphasize the importance of protecting the environment. Registration for the Fair has been extended through Saturday morning at 9:00am at which time judging begins.
The Fair gives kindergarten through twelfth grade students the opportunity to feature exhibits of projects, working models, or other visual presentations that demonstrate scientific principles or solve problems using the scientific method.
To assure equitable competition, there is a Lower Primary Division (kindergarten and first grade); an Upper Primary Division (second and third grade); an Elementary Division (fourth and fifth grade); a Middle School Division (sixth, seventh and eighth grades); and a High School Division (grades nine through twelve). All students will receive certificates of participation. First, second, and third place trophies and gift cards will be given in each division; and there will be two honorable mention trophies for each division. A special award will be given for the best project in each division dealing with environmental issues.
Students may enter as individuals or groups. Students wishing to enter should see their science teacher or principal for further details and to obtain an entry form or may download a form at www.es.vccs.edu. Call 757-789-1797 or email at jgrier@es.vccs.edu for more information.
Entry forms are available here.
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