ESCC Phi Theta Kappa Visits General Assembly
Wednesday, February 15th, Senator Lynwood Lewis hosted Eastern Shore Community College Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society student representatives at the General Assembly in Richmond. Senator Lewis elaborated on the experience.
“Wednesday was a long and busy procedural day for both the House and the Senate, but an interesting day for a visit for these students. During our recesses, Delegate Bloxom and I were able to sit down with the group to discuss the workings of the legislature as well as the students’ educational and professional futures. I was also able to take the time to give the group a tour of the Senate floor and background on the legislative process of the Senate – one of my favorite things to do for visitors from home, especially students. It was a fantastic visit, and I appreciate ESCC and PTK reaching out to our office so we were able to ensure each student had an interesting and educational experience while visiting their state legislature.”
Representing PTK from the college was club president Fidel Guerrero, secretary Kirstin Gray, and treasurer Paola Mejia-Jimenez. The club members joined ESCC interim Vice President, Dr. Raymond Burton, who made these comments:
“Our students capably represented ‘Your Eastern Shore’ Community College with their bright and insightful questions to Delegate Bloxom and Senator Lewis. It was my pleasure to accompany them to the capitol and to see the excitement and pride they displayed when being recognized by name by Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earl-Sears from the senate floor.”

PTK President Fidel Guerrero came away from the trip fascinated by the process the club was able to witness. “You hear about it from a distance but to see how it works was really cool. We were able to meet a lot of people, to express our thoughts on education in the state, and also share any challenges that we’ve encountered.”
ESCC President Dr. Jim Shaeffer was in attendance and was appreciative for the student opportunity. He commented, “It was special for us to share this day with our students while they experienced the history of our capitol and engage with our local representation. We are so thankful for the support of Senator Lewis and Delegate Bloxom and welcoming us to the capitol. A special thank you to legislative assistant Gabby Francese for all her help as well.”