ESCC Hosting 2nd Community Conversations on Race
Public is invited to join in on the virtual session
Please join us for our second Community Conversations on Race, Monday evening, September 28th, from 7:00pm -8:00pm EST. We are encouraging an open dialogue with the public. In order to understand one another, we must be able to openly speak with one another about real issues.
Eastern Shore Community College launched the first of these virtual sessions in August with the purpose to provide a safe platform for community members to share feelings, concerns, hopes and visions based on current and past events in the United States.
Ground Rules:
• Use appropriate, non-offensive language
• Maintain confidentiality
• Listen actively
• Give grace: everyone is coming into the Conversation from a different place
• Before asking a question, consider how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of it
We encourage our guests to watch the second episode in Emmanuel Acho’s series, as we may ask questions directly taken from this particular episode!
Here’s the Zoom link for Monday’s conversation:
Click here to join the conversation
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Meeting ID: 986 7681 0072
Find your local number: https://vccs.zoom.us/u/abe4fx3JTR
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