ESCC Expands YES! Tuition Promise
Free Summer Classes for Graduating High School Seniors and Statewide Support from G3
ESCC announced two major expansions to its YES! Tuition Promise, the program with the stated goal of providing financial aid to cover the cost of tuition and fees for all students.
The new Take Two program benefits those graduating high school this year. They can take one or two classes this summer with no cost for tuition, fees, or books. The program is funded for 35 students, first come, first served.
The second program, G3, is a statewide initiative to increase enrollment in high demand career fields. ESCC offers 43 eligible programs in education, healthcare, information technology, trades, and manufacturing.
ESCC president Dr. Shaeffer stated, “G3 is the greatest expansion of college tuition support in the history of Virginia’s community colleges.”
ESCC Foundation director Patty Kellam added, “We are especially excited by Take Two because that is solely an ESCC initiative funded by the generous donors to our college foundation.” Students must graduate high school in 2021, apply to the college, and apply for financial aid. Students can enroll in any college class this summer for which they meet the eligibility criteria.
ESCC vice president Dr. Tompkins said, “A great benefit of the Take Two and G3 scholarships is that funding is available for both academic and workforce programs.” Some ESCC workforce programs can lead directly to a credential and employment in just a couple of weeks.
Dr. Shaeffer explained, “Take Two benefits all eligible students because it can be the on-ramp to employment, the start of a program that students will complete at ESCC, or credits that can be transferred to a four-year school.”
On the other hand, G3 scholarships include $900 per semester in living expenses funding for eligible students, and G3 funding does not have an end date, whereas Take Two is just for the summer.
Financial aid director Carole Read noted, “Students should contact us as soon as they are thinking of attending ESCC because both programs are first come, first served. We are here to help!”
“We’re going to do a lot of outreach for these programs,” Shaeffer said. “We’ve already been on the radio, now we’re in the Post, and I am going to send a personal letter to the parent of every graduating high school senior.”
To learn more about your eligibility for Take Two or G3, email onedoor@es.vccs.edu or call (757) 789-1720.