ESCC Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Wraps Up Another Exciting Year
Category: Students06/21/2016
The Eastern Shore Community College chapter of Phi Theta Kappa finished the 2015-2016 academic year with a flurry of successful projects and awards. In addition to embarking on numerous internal school and external community endeavors, the small ESCC chapter amassed a number of accolades at the state level, and even had a member participate in a delegation to South Africa as an ambassador of Eastern Shore Community College.
In March, the chapter co-hosted the Virginia/West Virginia Regional Convention, where it was named a Distinguished Chapter and a Five-Star Chapter, the highest level possible. In addition, the chapter won awards for its College Project and its Honors in Action Project as well as Fundraising, Commit to Complete, and Conquering Cancer projects. Individual awards were won by Brittany Savage (Outstanding Officer), Tysheka Finney (Distinguished Member), Kirstin Gray (Outstanding Regional Officer), and Joshua Taylor (Paragon Award for New Advisors). The chapter officers were named as an Outstanding Officer Team.
The ESCC chapter of PTK attended the All-Virginia Academic Team Awards in Richmond on April 20th. Virginia is one of 38 states participating in the All- State Academic Teams program which was introduced in 1994 as a way to provide scholastic recognition to PTK students, while promoting excellence at two-year colleges. Two ESCC/PTK members were acknowledged at this event, Nicole Reyes and Elaina Schweiker. Nicole was also recognized as part of the Top Ten, winning a $500 scholarship from the ESCC Foundation, and was a Bronze Medalist in the Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team, winning a $1000 scholarship. In May, Nicole graduated Suma Cum Laude as the valedictorian of her class at ESCC.
Adding to the stellar year for Phi Theta Kappa at ESCC, one member participated in the International Scholar Laureate Program in May. Krystle Archuleta traveled to South Africa through funding by the Native American Council. Krystle was able to partake in the Nursing and Healthcare Delegation as an ambassador of Eastern Shore Community College. The 12 day program was for all current and future nursing students. Details and pictures of her experience will be the subject of an upcoming press release and article.
Phi Theta Kappa is an honor society for two-year college students worldwide, symbolizing excellence in higher education and a commitment to students. The American Association of Community Colleges has designated PTK the official honor society for two-year colleges. According a study that tracked 11,000 PTK members starting in the 2008-09 academic years, the overall six-year completion rate of members was 85 percent. Another seven percent were still enrolled and working toward a degree, making the overall completion rate 92 percent. That compares to the six-year completion rate for all community college students of 40 percent. The rate of Phi Theta Kappa members transferring to a four-year college or university is 71 percent; community college students overall transfer at a rate of 33 percent. The PTK member six-year bachelor’s degree completion rate was 68 percent. The comparable figure for community college transfers overall was 42 percent.
Faculty advisor Robin Rich-Coates can offer information about eligibility and receiving a membership invitation at 757-789-1726, or email rrich-coates@es.vccs.edu.
(Top) The ESCC PTK finds it’s namesake while attending a conference, (middle) Accepting awards at “All-Virginia Academic Team Awards” with Robin Rich-Coates, Elaina Schweiker, Nicole Reyes, and ESCC President Dr. Linda Thomas-Glover, (Bottom) Krystle Archuleta representing ESCC PTK in South Africa.