ESCC Winter Art Walk this Saturday on Campus!
Artists, Crafters, Food, and Live Acoustic Music Will Be Featured
Your Eastern Shore Community College is soliciting local artists and crafters to participate in a new event that will debut this February 24th, exclusively in the college’s main Academic Building on campus in Melfa. Designed to give the Shore’s art community a comfortable and “weather-proof” venue prior to the beginning of the spring festival season, it will showcase the broad creative scope of our area’s artistic talents.
The two floors of the Academic Building will offer spaces in the atriums and classrooms for exhibitors to display their work. There will be an emphasis on comfortable spacing for the floor plan to accommodate visitors taking in the offerings throughout the walk. Special features will also include work from some of the ESCC Clubs. There will be food and beverage offerings in the Neville Student Lounge from the ESCC PTK Club and ESCC Alumni, “Kookie Momster” Food Truck with baked goods.

Acoustic music will also be featured at the event with local talents Alex Holt and Dee Ervin performing.
Nearly 50 exhibitors are scheduled for Saturday’s event, we hope you can attend!