ESCC Announces Free Nursing Admission Test Review Class in 2020
Eastern Shore Community College will offer a Nursing Admission Test (HESI) Review Class starting on January 11th, and will run each Saturday for five weeks at Workforce Development Services on campus in Melfa. The class is being offered free with instructors donating their time in the interest of boosting scores and improving performance.
The Nursing Admission Test is required for entrance into nursing programs. All applicants including LPN to RN Bridge and advanced placement students, as well as traditional students, are required to take the admission test, which is a 4 hour test covering five subject areas: Math, Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, English, and Chemistry.
The review class will run from 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. and will begin January 11 and end on February 8, 2020, which is the Saturday before the admission test will be administered (on Monday, February 10th). ESCC faculty who specialize in each area will conduct their class using review materials. It is assumed each review class participant has taken a course in the particular area being covered. This is a review and test preparation class and not meant to be a presentation of new material.
Weekly Class Topics:
1/11 Math (Bonnie Nordstrom)
1/18 Biology (Robin Rich-Coates)
1/25 Anatomy and Physiology (Dr. Foxworthy)
2/1 English (Christina Duffman)
2/8 Chemistry (Robin Rich-Coates)
The first class will be followed on January 11th, by a required RN Program Information Session with Dr. Terri Long from 12:00p.m. to 1:00p.m. Registration is required by emailing TLong@es.vccs.edu or calling 757-789-1785. Advising will be offered on the first Saturday as well as review of applications. Students who plan to apply for either the RN or LPN programs in 2020, and have completed any prerequisites, are urged to contact Dr. Long and take advantage of the free review classes. The RN Information Session is open to all on January 11th regardless of whether you’re taking the review class.