ESCC Adjusts Summer Hours And Announces Tuesday Information Sessions
Effective June 16th through July 28th, Eastern Shore Community College has announced an adjusted schedule. These changes will not affect any classes, but will involve the main administration and academic building access on Fridays through the aforementioned dates.
While the Workforce Development Services building will operate on regular schedule, the main building on campus (Business, Student Services, Learning Resource Center, etc.) will be closed on Fridays only, until July 28th. Administrative and business functions will be available through WDS on these Fridays, as well as use of the computer labs. The ESCC Library will continue to offer digital access on Fridays, featuring electronic resources and services.
Expanded hours and services will be available later into the day and evening hours on Monday through Thursdays, including special Tuesday evening information sessions for prospective students and families. These sessions will include free tacos starting at 5:30pm in the student lounge, followed by helpful presentations in the Lecture Hall (C111) at 6:00pm. ESCC encourages the community to take advantage of the Tuesday information sessions to learn more about the many offerings of ESCC, and to investigate financial aid options, programs, courses, and the opportunity to meet and visit with faculty and administration. “Taco Tuesday” Information Sessions will be held each Tuesday, from June 27th, through July 25th, (excluding July 4th).
For more information on sessions or the summer schedule changes, please call 757-789-1797.