Electronics Program a Gateway to Great Careers
A Broad Range of Students Gaining Marketable Skills
“I remember watching a video on the ESCC website about the ‘Women of Wallops’. It featured Terry Snyder, an ESCC alumni that I know personally.” Stacey Collins was impressed with the role she saw Terry in at Wallops, and it immediately translated that into a goal. “I can do that, I can pursue the skills in electronics at ESCC and follow a career path like Terry did.”
Stacey had started at ESCC and left to begin her family. She had already obtained employment at the base in security job when she took a career quiz on the ESCC website that matched her with electronics. This sparked her recent return to school and the Electronics program with Professor John Floyd.
“We structure the program so that students will acquire the skills employers are looking for.” Professor Floyd elaborated on the pipeline of talent that exists from ESCC through the memorandum of understanding that exists between Wallops and college. “There are many technical jobs available now at Wallops, and our students stand to benefit from being prepared to step into those opportunities and continue onward to rewarding careers.”

Stacey graduates this spring and says she benefitted from the flexibility of remote learning during COVID-19. “With a young family, this was a huge help to have the ability to not always have to be on campus.” She is looking forward to pursuing opportunities in the realm of radar systems.
Tyler Zodun is on the other end of the spectrum as a dually-enrolled junior from Northampton County Public Schools. “With ESCC, I can earn BOTH high school and college credit for my classes. At 16 I have had access to so many resources and learned so much”. Also a student in John Floyd’s Electronics class, Tyler is currently expressing enthusiasm for the current subject of radio frequencies and wavelengths.
Tyler says that “ESCC has opened a world of opportunities that will impact my future at a 4-year university pursuing my degree in electrical engineering”. VP of Academics and Workforce Programs, Dr. Patrick Tompkins added that “ESCC meets you where YOU are, whether you’re a parent with a growing family, or a high school student maximizing this great local resource.” Learn more about the “YES” in YOUR Eastern Shore Community College by starting on your own journey. Call 757-789-1020 or email studentservices@es.vccs.edu.