COVID 19 Announcement from President Shaeffer
Spring Break Extended Through March 20th
The health and wellbeing of ESCC’s faculty, staff, and students is of the utmost importance to me. Out of an abundance of caution, not only for our college community but our community at large, we have decided to take steps to help mitigate the spread of this virus.
To that end, we are extending Spring Break through Friday, March 20, and we ask that students not return to campus during this time.
All other operations of the college will continue. However, we ask that business be conducted either by phone, email, or through our website, www.es.vccs.edu to the extent possible. Faculty and staff will report to campus as usual, but all classes, except CDL, are cancelled. It should go without saying that if a staff member either feels ill or is uncomfortable coming on campus, they should contact their supervisor and make arrangements for staying at home.
ESCC’s administration will be meeting next week to determine next steps, including online or other methods of course instruction, potential timelines, and the status of public events and gatherings at the college. We will do our best to keep you informed as we make decisions; our coronavirus information page on the ESCC website will have information regarding updates to this unique situation. I encourage you all to visit it frequently to stay as current as possible.
Our YES! during this challenging time is to keep our students, faculty, and staff safe and healthy. While we will strive to minimize inconveniences, there is no doubt some will occur. Those who are required to come on campus should feel confident knowing that every effort is being made to maintain a clean and safe working environment.
We appreciate your support and ask that you take care of yourself, family, and friends.
James M. Shaeffer PhD
Eastern Shore Community College