CompTIA Security+ Begins October 4th
“These are skills that can immediately impact your value to employers!” Quantez Baines is the Workforce Administrative Assistant at your Eastern Shore Community College and also continues to be a student in the series of CompTIA industry recognized credentialing courses.
“I finished IT Fundamentals and immediately signed up for Security+. Regardless of how you plan to utilize these credentials, they are invaluable in today’s world. I find myself not having to call IT nearly as much because of this newfound understanding.” Quantez graduated from ESCC with his Associate Degree in Business Administration in 2016 and went on to earn his Bachelors from Virginia Wesleyan in 2018.
Workforce Officer Scott Hall touts the benefits of the CompTIA series, “These classes serve up a multitude of benefits to students. They provide an inroad to substantive tech jobs and careers, and they also enhance skillsets for all who are navigating day-to-day life in our technology dependent world.”

Tamiya Brown is also an ESCC employee and student. “Information Technology has always been an interest and these classes are an effective way to either get started or to continue to add to your resume, employees immediately recognize these credentials.”
An Arcadia High School graduate from 2013, Tamiya has been working towards her eventual Associates Degree while gaining valuable experience in working world. “As the Student Services Help Desk Assistant here at ESCC, I saw immediate benefits from my first CompTIA class which was IT Fundamentals.”
Like Quantez, Tamiya is taking advantage of the next class, Security+ which begins on October 4th. “Besides the fact that funding for these classes is often available for students, it’s well documented the impact the credentials have on your employability and pay!”
VP of Academics and Workforce Programs, Dr. Patrick Tompkins reminds potential students that there is still time to get in the latest class. “Our answer is YES! to students who want to immediately impact their value to employers and solidify their places in the tech field. ESCC is a home for developing brighter futures and success!”
CompTIA Security+ begins October 4th on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the evening. For complete details and to register, call 757-789-7979 or email workforce@es.vccs.edu.