College and Military Transfer Fair
Transfer In or Transfer Out?
The Eastern Shore Community College will host its annual Transfer Fair on October 24, 2023 from 2 – 4pm and encourages community members to attend. Whether you are in school, out of school or have never been to school, now is the time to explore your next steps.
The Transfer Fair will feature representatives from four-year colleges and universities that offer a variety of certificate and degree programs, some entirely online. Recruiters from multiple branches of the military and the VA State Police will be on hand. Staff at ESCC will be available to answer questions about attending the community college. Transfer in or transfer out? This event is for you.
Attendees include:
Christopher Newport University
Eastern Shore Community College
James Madison University
Liberty University
National University
Old Dominion University
Radford University
Regent University
Roanoke College
Salisbury University
Shenandoah University
Troy University
University of Virginia
University of Virginia’s College at Wise
UVA School of Continuing & Professional Studies
Virginia Commonwealth University
VCU College of Health Professions
Virginia Wesleyan University
William and Mary
Wilmington University
US Air Force
US Army
US Coast Guard
US Merchant Marines
US Navy
VA National Guard
Virginia State Police
ESCC Transfer Fair, Main Academic Building, Oct. 24th, 2 – 4pm.
For more information contact: Jennifer Kidwell, Assist. Coordinator of Student Services, 757-789-1736