24/7 Online Tutoring Available
As summer classes begin, remember help is available!
Hello Students!
Tutor.com Studying that fits your schedule
24/7 online tutoring for ESCC students!
ESCC offers FREE on-demand, online tutoring through Tutor.com. Stuck on a problem? Want someone to review your paper? This service is easy to use and can be accessed on any device that connects to the Internet. Tutors are available to you 24/7—even at 2:00 a.m.!
When you log in to your free Tutor.com account, you’ll be able to:
- Connect one-on-one with one of our 3,000+ highly qualified tutors
- View recordings of your previous sessions
- Drop off an essay for review and feedback
- Save your favorite tutors and see their schedule of availability
Easy Access Log In:
- Go to www.es.vccs.edu
- Log onto MyESCC
- Click on the Canvas Tile
- Click on your class shell
- Click on tutor.com , which under your class menu
- Once in tutor.com: Choose “Work with a Tutor”, “Schedule a Tutoring Session”, “Submit a Paper for Review”, and more!
Please visit tutor.com/contact-us or
contact Alfie Destro at adestro@es.vccs.edu