2023 Faculty Recognition and Rewards
Eastern Shore Community College acknowledged faculty excellence on May 11th in conjunction with the 52nd Annual Commencement Ceremony. Interim Vice-President for Academic, Student, and Workforce Education, Dr. Raymond Burton (pictured above) announced the honors, and presentations by ESCC President, Dr. Jim Shaeffer, were made during the college’s year-end celebration on May 15th.
Recognition for Teaching Effectiveness – The first award was given to a faculty member whose performance in the classroom or other instructional environments best exemplifies effectiveness in promoting student achievement. This year’s Teaching Effectiveness Award was presented to our Allied Health team: Peggy Bennett, Bonnie Nordstrom, and Felicia Blake.

Recognition for Community Impact – This award is given to faculty who have greatly impacted and supported the college’s image and mission through community service and/or involvement. This year’s recipient is Christina Duffman.

Caramine Kellam and Dr. Caramine White Faculty Award – This honor is presented to a college employee who has shown extraordinary concern for students and has gone above and beyond in their effort to help students succeed in school or life. This year’s recipient is Alfonso Destro.

Faculty Award for Institutional Responsibility – The highest ESCC award for which a faculty member may be nominated. This faculty member substantially and demonstrably exceeded performance expectations and had impact across disciplines and curriculum. This year’s recipient is Dr. Alex Foxworthy.