2017 Heritage Celebration Highlights All Things Eastern Shore on February 25.
Category: College, Community, Students01/16/2017
Eastern Shore Community College is excited to present the 16th Annual Heritage Celebration on Saturday, February 25th from 10am-3pm, encompassing both the Workforce Development Center, and the main building on our campus in Melfa.
This free event again offers a wide and diverse selection of exhibitors and participants, representative of the Eastern Shore community and their many talents and interests. Woodworking and carving will be represented, as will glasswork, fiber, paper, metalwork, sculpture, handmade jewelry, and of course painting in multiple mediums, and much more.
Model trains, bee keeping, local history, natural resources, and a wide variety of local organizations, all present with informative exhibits sharing their various areas of interest. Ham Radio operators will have a functional field station setup and on display, plus an alpaca petting station, antique farm implements, and our local Melfa Volunteer Fire Dept. with apparatus and education for kids and adults alike. Speaking of kids, our student lounge will be a station for a variety of fun children’s games and activities.
The Heritage Café will be open for business, featuring homemade vegetable beef soup, chips, baked goods, sodas, water and coffee. In addition to tasty lunch and snack options, live music will be featured in the café courtesy of our community partners at ESO Arts Center. Live performers will include Austin Riopel, Ally Tarwater, Roland Major and the New Mount Calvary Men’s Gospel Choir, and Peg and the Popcorns, featuring Peg Volk, Scott Wade, Lynne Rogers, and Ellen Grimes.
Heritage Celebration visitors will also have the chance to win impressive prize assortments, stocked by artists, crafters, and exhibitors. Entries into the random drawings are gained by participating in the Heritage Sampler Scavenger Hunt. By following simple clues and collecting a few details throughout the event, individuals will be eligible for several random drawings. Prize groupings will be visible to visitors as they pass by our business offices in the main building. Also, starting at 10am, the first 50 visitors to the celebration will win free tickets to the Delmarva Shorebirds 2017 season, along with tote bags from our educational partners at Wilmington University.
With the support of the Eastern Shore Community College Foundation, ESCC is proud to offer this event free to the public, and encourages everyone to plan to attend and enjoy the wide variety of Eastern Shore offerings in an endless number of categories.