2015 Science Fair Winners Announced
Category: Community06/03/2015
Melfa, VA — Robin Rich-Coates, Associate Professor of Biology/Chemistry at Eastern Shore Community College, has announced the names of the winners of the college’s annual science fair held Saturday, April 25. The Fair is designed to give kindergarten through twelfth grade students the opportunity to feature exhibits of projects, working models, or other visual presentations that demonstrate scientific principles or solve problems using the scientific method.
To assure equitable competition, there was a Lower Primary Division (kindergarten and first grade); an Upper Primary Division (second and third grade); an Elementary Division (fourth and fifth grade); a Middle School Division (sixth, seventh and eighth grades); and a High School Division. All students received certificates of participation. Trophies were awarded to all winners. Fifty dollar gift cards were given to first place and environmental project winners in each division. Second and third place winners each received a twenty-five dollar gift certificate.
Lower Primary Division
1st Place Grayson Ford (Metompkin Elementary) Egg-Cellent Packaging
2nd Place Gyan Baiju (Metompkin Elementary) Climate Change in a Bottle
3rd Place Abigail Zodun (Occohannock Elementary) Wetting My Plants
Hon. Mention Ashley Zodon (Occohannock Elementary) Saving Water at Bathtime
Hon. Mention Ricci-Mckenzie Sullivan (Kiptopeke Elementary) Would You Drink It?
Environmental Gyan Baiju (Metompkin Elementary) Climate Change in a Bottle
Upper Primary Division
1st Place Patrick Sullivan (Kiptopeke Elementary) Why We Need to Protect our Soil
2nd Place Caleb Perry (Home Schooled) Does Blade Size Matter?
3rd Place Tyler Zodun (Occohannock Elementary) Lettuce Have Light
Hon. Mention Ethan White (Kiptopeke Elementary) The Solar House
Hon. Mention Jordan Penland (Accawmacke Elementary) Memory Through the Ages
Environmental Patrick Sullivan (Kiptopeke Elementary) Why We Need to Protect our Soil
Elementary Division
1st Place Bethany Carpenter (Shore Christian Academy) Higher Nitrate Leaching: Organic vs. Inorganic Fertilizer
2nd Place Suzanna Long (Broadwater Academy) CSI Figerprints
3rd Place Aspen Perry (Home Schooled) Is Wasting Waste Wasteful?
Hon. Mention Garrett Miles (Broadwater Academy) Oyster Salinity
Hon. Mention Daniel Rodriquez (Metompkin Elementary) How to Make a Better Using Vinegar
Environmental Bethany Carpenter (Shore Christian Academy) Higher Nitrate Leaching: Organic vs. Inorganic Fertilizer
Middle School Division
1st Place Goutham Baiju (Arcadia Middle) Electromagnetism
2nd Place Alexandra Penland (Nandua Middle) Musical Memory
3rd Place Cecil Bundick (Arcadia Middle) No WiFi Why?
Hon. Mention Joe Curry (Northampton Middle) Rust Race
Hon. Mention Kalei Worthinton (Nandua Middle) Going Green with Manure
Environmental Ava Salm (Broadwater Academy) The Effects of Acid Rain on Spirogyra
High School Division
1st Place Lauren McClaskey (Broadwater Academy) Does Age Affect Learning Styles?
2nd Place Anna Sexauer (Broadwater Academy) Which Type of Soil Provides an Environment Suited for Bacterial Growth?
3rd Place Matthew Behrens (Broadwater Academy) Does the Percentage of Fertilizer Affect Plant Grown?
Hon. Mention Kayce Baker & Mazcodaline Jeantine (Arcadia High School) Apocalips
Hon. Mention David Helms (Shore Christian Academy) Torturous Smoke
Environmental Olivia Kellam (Broadwater Academy) What Kills Grass Quicker?
Winner Photos (all from left to right)
Lower Primary
Abigail Zodun, Ashley Zodun, Ricci-Mckenzie Sullivan, Gyan Baiju, Grayson Ford
Upper Primary
Jordan Penland, Ethan White, Patrick Sullivan, Tyler Zodun, Caleb Perry
Bethany Carpenter, Daniel Rodriquez, Garrett Miles, Suzanna Long, Aspen Perry
Middle School
Ava Salm, Alexandra Penland, Kailei Worthington, Goutham Baiju
High School
Kayce Baker, Mazcdaline Jeantine, Olivia Kellam, Lauren McClaskey, Matthew Behrens, Anna Sexauer, David Helms
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