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Shared Services Distance Learning Program

The Shared Services Distance Learning (SSDL) Program allows ESCC to share courses with other Virginia community colleges so that ESCC students are provided a broad selection of courses delivered online. Additionally, students enrolled in SSDL courses may consult with the SSDL Liaison, a person stationed on the campus of ESCC, to assist with the needs of those students. Please see the resources and links below for more information.

Who is the contact for the program?  Who does the exam proctoring for the SSDL courses?
Contact: Stephanie Zodun or 757.789.5929

Stephanie Zodun is the interim SSDL Liaison and also serves as exam proctor for the SSDL courses. Please contact her at least 24 hours ahead of time to schedule your exam. When contacting her, please include your name, the course and section you are taking, and which exam you would like proctored. You should schedule an exam at least one hour before testing hours end. If you are unable to come to campus for exams, please let Stephanie Zodun know as soon as possible.

Are SSDL and other online courses right for me?

Online courses are not ideal for every student. However, this method of course delivery can be very beneficial for others. Talk with your advisor about the benefits or possible concerns you may have.

What courses are offered as part of the SSDL program?

When searching for the upcoming class schedule, choose courses taught “Off Campus.” SSDL courses will have the letter “S” as part of the section listing after the course title. In the print version of the schedule, there is also a section that lists the SSDL courses all together. If you are unsure if the course is offered as part of the SSDL program, ask your adviser or contact the SSDL Liaison. Once you have found SDL courses of interest to you, click here for more information on the course.

How do I obtain my textbooks for these courses? What if I receive financial aid?

Textbooks may be purchased through the ESCC bookstore, as with any other course textbooks. Students who receive financial aid should order their textbooks and pre-pay for them directly from the ESCC bookstore. Other options are available for non-financial aid students, including purchasing the text directly from the ESCC bookstore. Click here to browse the ESCC online bookstore.

What resources are available to me as an SSDL student?

The SSDL Liaison serves as your main point-of-contact regarding these online courses. At the beginning of each semester,  a “meet-and-greet” orientation if offered for SSDL students on the ESCC campus. Attendance is strongly encouraged. At that time, information about course dates, procedures and online tutoring will be shared. The ESCC Guide to Online Learning also contains lots of resources to help you succeed in online learning.

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