Hello Veterans! Welcome to Eastern Shore Community College’s Veteran’s Resources page. We hope the following links will be of some assistance in your time with ESCC. Thank you for your service. It is truly an honor to work with each of you!
Contact Jennifer Kidwell, Veteran’s Counselor, for assistance at 757.789.1736 or jkidwell@es.vccs.edu.
Reinstatement as a Result of Military Service Students who are called to active duty or mobilized shall be entitled to reinstatement to the College without having to re-qualify for admission following the student’s release or return from service in the uniformed services if:
- the student provides notice of intent to return to the college not later than three years after the completion of the period of service;
- the student returns to the college after a cumulative absence of not more than five years; and,
- the permanent change of station (PCS) orders require the military member to be absent from the college for an extended period, and the PCS orders must have been issued after the start of the semester and require execution prior to the end of that semester or term.
A student returning to the college from active duty or mobilization in accordance with the provisions delineated above will be reinstated in the same program of study in which he or she had been enrolled prior to withdrawal. Exceptions may be made in cases where the program has been discontinued by the college or the program has specialized accreditation and selective admission requirements. In the latter case, reinstatement shall be consistent with any relevant standards of the respective accrediting agency. A student who was admitted to a program but did not begin attendance because of service in the uniformed services shall be allowed to defer his or her enrollment in the program until reinstatement to the college as described above. A student returning from active duty or mobilization should contact a counselor or advisor to determine the impact of absence from the program and to review available options when a program is no longer available or suitable.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Iraq and Afghan Veterans of America(IAVA)
Student Veterans of America (SVA)
Pocomoke City VA Outpatient Clinic
America’s Debt Help Organization
Continuing Education Resources for Veterans
Navigating Veteran Benefit Options
Zety.com Military to Civilian Resume
Zety.com Guide to Interview Questions
Small Business Loans for Veterans
Other college sites with useful Veterans information
Note: Commissions, bonuses, or other incentive payment programs given to employees or contractors for the purpose of securing enrollments of Service members is banned by ESCC. ESCC does not practice high-pressure recruitment tactics for any students, including Service members.