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2025 Spring Commencement Page


The college certifies graduates for the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters

Before you submit your application for graduation, meet with your academic advisor to ensure that you:

  • Are listed in the correct program plan and catalog year
  • Have completed or are registered for all remaining coursework required for your plan
  • Apply for the appropriate graduation term
  • Verify/update your myESCC mailing address

Graduation Application Deadlines

  • Summer – July 1
  • Fall – December 1
  • Spring – April 1

Graduation Status

We encourage you to check with your academic advisor and the registrar to check your status and progress toward completion of your program.

How to Apply

  1. First, see your faculty advisor and let them work with you in completing an initial review of your graduation readiness.  You must certify later on the graduation application that you have consulted with your advisor.
  2. Next, if you determine that you should be ready for graduate by the upcoming semester, submit an online graduation application by the deadline.

To access the online Graduation Application

  1. Go to the ESCC website
  2. Click on MyESCC
  3. Enter your username and password
  4. Click on VCCS SIS: Student Information System
  5. Under Academic Records you will see Apply for Graduation.

Once your application is received, the college will officially review your academic record and the registrar will send you an email informing you 

  • If you have taken all of your required courses by the end of this fall semester


  • If you have additional coursework that you will need to take in the spring in order to graduate.

Catalog Determination and Degree Designation

The catalog you use to determine graduation requirements may be the one in effect at the time you are admitted to a curriculum, or any subsequent catalog you select. Only the degree major will appear on the diploma. The degree major and specialization, if any, will become part of your permanent academic record at ESCC.

Program Requirements

You must also fulfill the requirements of your specific program by the end of the graduation semester. Contact your faculty advisor to investigate ways in which you may fulfill these requirements.

Degree and Certificate Requirements

To be eligible for graduation with a diploma from the college, you must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Submit an online Application for Graduation to the registrar by the designated deadline for the semester in which you wish to graduate. (May be waived in the case of a General Education Certificate)
  • Fulfill all of the course and credit-hour requirements of the curriculum, with a minimum of 25 percent of the credit semester hours acquired at Eastern Shore Community College.
  • Earn a grade point average of at least 2.00 in all studies which are applicable toward graduation in the curriculum.
  • Resolve all financial obligations to the College including those to the library.

Second Degree, Diploma, or Certificate

A student who wishes to receive more than one degree must, in the process of completing the requirements for the second degree, complete a minimum of an additional fifteen (15) hours of ESCC coursework beyond the requirements of the first degree. These requirements also apply to receiving more than one certificate.

A student in a program that awards a certificate and/or diploma in addition to a degree will have only the highest level of academic completion announced at graduation and listed in the graduation program; however, the student, upon request to the Registrar’s Office, will receive appropriate documents reflecting all levels of completion.


Diplomas are ordered by the registrar. Every attempt is made to insure that the wording of the student’s name on the diploma is ordered exactly as an applicant indicates on the graduation application. Therefore, it is critical that applicants are careful when responding to this item on the application.

Contact Us

Students with questions concerning graduation certification should contact the ESCC registrar at

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