ESCC PN Program Ranked Top 10 In The Commonwealth
Category: Academics06/04/2019
PracticalNursing.org studies PN programs in each state. Eastern Shore Community College’s PN program has been ranked as one of the best in Virginia at number eight for 2019. Practical Nursing.org is noted as being the leading LPN advancement and ranking agency. They believe providing students with better transparency in regards to practical and vocational nursing programs throughout their state allows them to better match the right school accessible to them. This is the reason they have developed their LPN Programs Ranking based on NCLEX-PN exam passing rates.
The NCLEX-PN exam is used by state boards of nursing around the country for testing proficiency and granting licensure. Many state boards of nursing use the combined NCLEX-PN exam pass rates for each school as one of the primary ways to approve or deny a school’s ability to provide practical and vocational nursing education. To this end, NCLEX-PN rates are one of the best ways to determine how well a school is preparing their students for a career in practical nursing, and that is why they have such a role in ranking these state programs.
The Commonwealth of Virginia offers nearly 50 practical nursing programs in community colleges, vocational schools and private colleges across the state. At Eastern Shore Community College, practical nursing students are prepared for careers as Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) with the knowledge and skills to care for clients of all age groups. LPNs function as contributing members of the health care team in a variety of health service facilities.
To find out more about the Practical Nursing Program and other offerings in ESCC’s Allied Health fields, please contact Peggy Bennett at 757-789-1772. Eastern Shore Community College, Lankford Highway in Melfa. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter.