Career Adventure Day Held at ESCC
Over 400 Local High School Students Attend First Time Event
On Friday, October 18th, your Eastern Shore Community College hosted 445 local 10th grade students for the first YES! Career Adventure Day. Each high school on the Shore was represented at the event. The community collaborative effort was designed to showcase the diverse careers that are available on the Shore.

More than 30 businesses and organizations came to campus and joined ESCC faculty and staff, to present displays and interactive stations to represent careers and opportunities available to the students on the Shore. Eastern Shore Community College offers a multitude of career paths to students through our academic and workforce programs.

The event was presented by Eastern Shore Community College in partnership with the Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board, the ESVA and Chincoteague Chambers of Commerce, and the Community Partners of the Eastern Shore.
Enjoy an event photo album at the ESCC Facebook page.